Landscapes need structure & shrubs fit that need!
Alpine Currant
Height - 3-5'
Width - 5-6'
Bloom Time - Insignificant
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun to shade
Excellent foundation plant or hedge. Spreads wider than the Green Mound. Gold Fall Foliage. Some Japanese Beetle damage each year. Shear in the spring to shape.
Alpine Currant, Green Mound
Height - 3-4'
Width - 2-3'
Bloom Time - Insignificant
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun to shade
Excellent foundation plant or low hedge. Can be sheared to any size, but naturally stays more compact than species. Gold fall color, even with only partial sun.
Aronia, Low Scape® Mound
Height - 1-2'
Width - 1.5-2'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun- part shade
Low growing mound of glossy green foliage. Red fall color with dark black fruit. Tolerates wide range of soils and conditions.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Boxwood, Green Velvet
Height - 2'
Width - 3'
Bloom Time - Insignificant
Bloom Color - Insignificant
Exposure - Shade
Slow growing evergreen that can be shaped as needed. Does best when protected from winter winds and winter sun. Winter burn will damage and likely ruin the plant because it is slow to regrow parts that die out. Water well in periods of drought.
Buckthorn, Fine Line®
Height - 6'
Width - 2'
Bloom Time - Insignificant
Bloom Color - Insignificant
Exposure - Sun to part sun
Columnar habit with fine, lacy texture. Sometimes fed on by Japanese Beetles.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Dogwood, Arctic Fire®
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun to part shade
Red twigs for winter interest. Compact variety fits well in the landscape.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Dogwood, Arctic Fire® Yellow
Height - 4-5'
Width - 5-6'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun to part shade
Yellow twigs for winter interest. Compact variety fits well in the landscape.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Elderberry, Black Lace®
Height - 4'
Width - 4'
Bloom Time - Spring- Early Summer
Bloom Color - Pink
Exposure - Sun
This one dies back hard with our Iowa winters. Sometimes it will even try to leaf out on old wood and then give up. It has always shot up new growth from the base of the plant, but that sometimes gives you a unique shaped plant if there are some surviving branches. You will only get flowers on old wood. If you wanted to encourage old wood to survive, you can build a cage around it and fill with leaves for the winter. Don't uncover until cold weather is done in the late spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Forsythia, Gold Tide
Height - 2-3.5'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Early spring
Bloom Color - Yellow
Exposure - Sun
Ground hugging variety. Very early bloomer. Beautiful purple and gold fall color.
Bush Honeysuckle, Kodiak® Black
Height - 3-4'
Width - 4-5'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Yellow
Exposure - Sun to shade
Non-invasive. Deer Resistant. Color of foliage will depend on sun. Darker black with more sun. Thrives in shade though too. Flowers are attractive to pollinators and hummingbirds.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Bush Honeysuckle, Kodiak® Orange
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Yellow
Exposure - Sun to part shade
Non-invasive. Deer Resistant. Color of foliage will depend on sun. Glowing orange with more sun. New growth and fall color are both orange. Tolerates dry shade. Flowers are attractive to pollinators and hummingbirds.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Annabelle
Height - 3-5'
Width - 3-5'
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Part sun-shade
This old fashioned Hydrangea is a classic that still works in the landscape. Blooms start green, turn white, back to green, and then dry brown on the plant. How you prune it will determine how big of a plant you get and how big of blooms you'll have each year. The harsher you cut it, the larger the blooms will be. You can just remove spent blooms each spring, to keep bloom size manageable, and the plant taller. The more you cut off each year, the weaker the stems will be, making it hard for the plant to hold up the large blooms. This Hydrangea will spread by runners, but does not become invasive.
Hydrangea, Bobo®
Height - 2.5-3'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - White-pink
Exposure - Sun-part shade
An early bloomer with loads of flowers on strong stems. Panicle type Hydrangea only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Fire Light®
Height - 6-8'
Width - 6-8'
Bloom Time - July-fall
Bloom Color - White to raspberry pink
Exposure - Sun-part sun
Darkest pink flowers of the panicle Hydrangeas. Strong sturdy stems hold the large flowers upright. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Fire Light Tidbit®
Height - 2-3'
Width - 3'
Bloom Time - July-fall
Bloom Color - White to raspberry pink
Exposure - Sun to part sun
The tiniest and tidiest of the panicle Hydrangeas! White flowers turn dark pink/red in summer. Has a showy fall color too. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Incrediball®
Height - 4-5'
Width - 4-5'
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - White to green
Exposure - Sun-part sun
An improved version of the classic Annabelle. Stronger stems hold up the extra large flowers well. Makes a good cut and dried flower.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Invincibelle® Ruby
Height - 3-4'
Width - 2-3'
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - Ruby to Pink
Exposure - Sun-part sun
An improved version of the classic Annabelle with pink flowers! Buds start pink. Will bloom on old and new wood. Stronger stems hold up the extra large flowers well. Makes a good cut and dried flower.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Little Hottie®
Height - 3-5'
Width - 3-5'
Bloom Time - July-fall
Bloom Color - Lime green to white
Exposure - Sun-part sun
Natural branching patterns make this one easy to grow with less pruning required. Remove spent blooms each spring. Bright white flowers cover the plant from bottom to top. Has high heat tolerance.
A First Editions® Shrub.
Hydrangea, Little Lime®
Height - 3-5'
Width - 3-5'
Bloom Time - July-fall
Bloom Color -Lime green to white
Exposure - Sun-part shade
Smaller version of Limelight. Flowers turn a rich pink in the fall. Sturdy stems. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Little Quick Fire®
Height - 3-5'
Width - 3-5'
Bloom Time - June-fall
Bloom Color - White turning pink
Exposure - Sun-part sun
A smaller version of Quick Fire. Blooms start in June, a month earlier than other panicle Hydrangeas. Flowers are less dense, and appear stacked on the flower stalk. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Quick Fire®
Height - 6-8'
Width - 6-8'
Bloom Time - June-fall
Bloom Color - White turning pink
Exposure - Sun-part sun
Blooms start in June, a month earlier than other panicle Hydrangeas. Flowers are less dense, and appear stacked on the flower stalk. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Hydrangea, Strawberry Sundae®
Height - 4-5'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - July-fall
Bloom Color - White turning pink-red
Exposure - Sun-part sun
Flowers start white and turn to pink when nights get cooler in the fall. Makes a great cut or dried flower. Panicle Hydrangeas only require removing the blooms from the year before each spring.
Hypericum, Cobalt-n-Gold
Height - 2-3'
Width - 4-5'
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - Yellow
Exposure - Sun
Wispy foliage adds light texture to the landscape. Blue gray foliage turns to orange, yellow and red in the fall. Copper seedheads are ornamental. Yellow flowers are attractive to pollinators. Shear and shape in the spring to control size (especially width).
A First Editions® Shrub.
Lilac, Little Baby Kim
Height - 2-3'
Width - 2.5-3'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Lavender
Exposure - Sun
A dwarf Lilac that is fragrant! Flowers do not fade to white. Compact plant with lots of blooms!
A Proven Winners® selection.
Lilac, Miss Kim
Height - 6-7'
Width - 5-6'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Lavender
Exposure - Sun
A smaller lilac with beautiful fragrance. Burgundy to purple fall color. Blooms later than old fashioned Lilac varieties. Do not prune late in the season, or you will prune off the blooms for the following year.
Lilac, Yankee Doodle
Height - 6-8'
Width - 6-8'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Deep purple
Exposure - Sun
One of the darkest purple Lilacs, very fragrant. Buds are set for the following year soon after blooms fade. Do not prune late in the season, or you will prune off the blooms for the following year. Older Lilac plants benefit from a rejuvination prune. You can prune out 1/3 of the oldest stems or 1/3 of the height each year to rejuvinate old plants.
Mockorange, Miniature Snowflake
Height - 2-3'
Width - 2-3'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color -White
Exposure - Sun
Fragrant double blooms on a dwarf plant. Prune only to shape.
Ninebark, Ginger Wine®
Height - 5-6'
Width - 5-6'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Pinkish white
Exposure - Sun
Spring foliage emerges orange and turns burgundy for the rest of the season. Just prune to shape in the spring. Upright habit.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Ninebark, Summer Wine®
Height - 5-6'
Width - 5-6'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White pink
Exposure - Sun
Deep maroon foliage is striking. Cascading habit on unpruned plants. Shape every spring to control overall habit and to maintain less crazy look. Flowers are more abundant and stand out against dark foliage.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Ninebark, Tiny Wine®
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color -White-pink
Exposure - Sun
The most compact Ninebark with tiny purple leaves, requires little to no pruning. Flowers are showy against dark foliage.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Smokebush, Winecraft Black®
Height - 6-6'
Width - 4-6'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Smokey purple
Exposure - Sun
Maroon foliage turns red in fall. Flowers are airy puffs of "smoke"-hence the name. Habit is rounded, very little pruning required. Slow growing.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Spirea, Double Play® Candy Corn®
Height - 1.5-2'
Width - 1.5-2.5'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Dark pink
Exposure - Sun
New foliage is red, turning orange and yellow as the season progresses. Compact habit requires little pruning, but you can remove spent blooms to encourage new growth, which comes out orange again.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Spirea, Glow Girl® Birchleaf
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun
A gold leaf version of Tor Birchleaf Spirea. Gold foliage does not burn in the summer. White flowers in the spring.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Spirea, Little Spark®
Height - 18-24"
Width - 18-30"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color -Pink
Exposure - Sun
New foliage is orange turning yellow without fading in the summer. Compact habit requires little pruning, but you can remove spent blooms to encourage new growth, which comes out orange again. Fall foliage is pinks and purples.
A First Editions® Shrub.
Spirea, Pink Sparkler™
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Early summer
Bloom Color - Pink
Exposure - Sun
Compact plant requires little pruning. Golden foliage all summer turns reddish purple in the fall. Deadhead to clean up the look.
A First Editions® Shrub.
Spirea, Tor Birchleaf
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Bloom Time - Late spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun
Compact mound of dark green birch like leaves. Flower resembles Old Fashioned Bridalwreath, without the cascading habit. Fall color is purples, reds and oranges.
Viburnum, Blue Muffin®
Height - 5-7'
Width - 5-7'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Exposure - Sun
This plant is very dense in habit and works well as a hedge or for privacy screen. There can be blue berries when a pollinator is planted nearby. Recommended variety is Chicago Lustre. I have observed very little fruit on mine here at RGF though, and I have a Chicago Lustre planted. I also push the limit on the amount of shade they are in, so don't get as great of flowers as I could if planted in more sun. That could be why there's less fruit.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Viburnum, Spice Baby®
Height - 3.5-5'
Width - 3.5-5'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Pale pink
Exposure - Sun-part sun
Fragrant flowers smell of spice. Protect from rabbits in winters with lots of snow, especially as a young plant.
A Proven Winners® selection.
Small fruits & vegetables
Red Rhubarb
Height - 3'
Width - 3'
Exposure - Full sun
These are dug and divided from our plants here at the farm. Limited quantities.
Honeyberry, Aurora
Height - 3-4'
Width - 3-4'
Exposure - Full sun
All Honeyberry varieties are good pollinators for one another. Need at least one plant of two different kinds to get fruit. Honeyberry fruit is similar in flavor to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but produce earlier than strawberries. They are great for fresh eating or making jams and jellies. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin C.
Honeyberry, Berry Blue
Height - 4'
Width - 3'
Exposure - Full sun
All Honeyberry varieties are good pollinators for one another. Need at least one plant of two different kinds to get fruit. Honeyberry fruit is similar in flavor to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but produce earlier than strawberries. They are great for fresh eating or making jams and jellies. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin C.
Honeyberry, Borealis
Height - 4'
Width - 3'
Exposure - Full sun
All Honeyberry varieties are good pollinators for one another. Need at least one plant of two different kinds to get fruit. Honeyberry fruit is similar in flavor to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but produce earlier than strawberries. They are great for fresh eating or making jams and jellies. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin C.
Cinderella Honeyberry
Height - 3'
Width - 3'
Exposure - Full sun
All Honeyberry varieties are good pollinators for one another. Need at least one plant of two different kinds to get fruit. Honeyberry fruit is similar in flavor to blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, but produce earlier than strawberries. They are great for fresh eating or making jams and jellies. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and Vitamin C.