Part Shade
These plants can tolerate morning sun, but not late day hot sun.

Ajuga, Black Scallop
Height - 3-6"
Width - 12"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Violet blue
Small scale groundcover with near black leaves. Flowers spike above mat of foliage.

Astilbe, Pumila
Height - 10"
Width - 12-16"
Bloom Time - Late summer
Bloom Color - Lilac pink
Groundcover habit with flat foliage. Stiff fuzzy blooms appear in August and spent blooms add winter interest. More drought tolerant than other Astilbes, but still prefer a moist soil.

Astrantia, Star of Fire
Height - 20"
Width - 15-18"
Bloom Time - Summer
Bloom Color - Burgundy Red
Woodland plant that prefers moist, shady areas with rich organic matter soils. Star shaped flowers are burgundy with white centers accented with dark purple stems. Long lasting flowers on a vigorous growing plant. Excellent Cut flower.

Bleeding Heart, Gold Heart OF
Height - 18-24"
Width - 24-36"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Pink and white
Classic bleeding heart with yellow foliage. Pair this with a Blue-Green Hosta and Misty Lace Goatsbeard for a shade garden combination sure to wow your visitors. May go summer dormant. Deer Resistant.

Bleeding Heart, Old Fashioned
Height - 30-36"
Width - 30-36"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Pink and white
Goes dormant in the summer heat. Heart shaped flowers are pink and white. Deer Resistant.

Bleeding Heart, Old Fashioned Alba
Height - 30"
Width - 18-36"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - White
Goes dormant in the summer heat. Heart shaped flowers are white. Deer Resistant.

Bleeding Heart, Ruby Gold Old Fashioned
Height - 26-32"
Width - 18-24"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Red
Goes dormant in the summer heat. Heart shaped flowers are red with contrasting gold foliage. Stems also have a red tine to them. Deer Resistant.

Coral Bell, Caramel
Height - 12"
Width - 12-15"
Bloom Time - Rare
Bloom Color - Cream
Flowers are rarely borne. Nice round mound of foliage takes on colors of Amber, Caramel and Apricot.

Coral Bell, Fire Alarm
Height - 9-12"
Width - 12-14"
Bloom Time - Mid summer
Bloom Color - White
Bright red foliage turns brick red in summer. Compact habit that holds vigor from year to year due to its Villos parentage.

Coral Bell, Northern Exposureâ„¢ Silver
Height - 13"
Width - 18-20"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Pink
Bred for cold hardiness, Silver leaves.

Coral Bell, Obsidian
Height - 10"
Width - 12-16"
Bloom Time - Late spring-summer
Bloom Color - Cream
Deep purple leaves have glossy luster. Flowers stand above foliage.

Goatsbeard, Misty Lace
Height - 24"
Width - 18-24"
Bloom Time - Early summer-summer
Bloom Color - White
Has good heat/humidity tolerance. Has a similar texture to Astilbe, but doesn't require as much water. Plant forms a nice rounded habit and foliage stays clean all summer. Spent flowers dry on the plant and add ornamental value. White flowers brighten up dark shade.

Lady's Mantle
Height - 12-15"
Width - 18"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Chartreuse
Unique leaves that hold water droplets. Moundy perennial that can be divided easily. Clean up mid summer by removing dead flower heads and crunchy leaves.

Meadow Rue, Black Stockings
Height - 3-4'
Width - 2'
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Lavender
Dark stems are attractive on this upright plant. Flowers are large and fluffy.

Meadow Rue, My Little Favorite
Height - 24-28"
Width - 18"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Purple-pink
Flowers are large and fluffy. Foliage is blue-green and lacy, forming a neat mound. Prefers moist areas along the woodland edge.

Spiderwort, Concorde Grape
Height - 15-18"
Width - 15"
Bloom Time - Spring
Bloom Color - Concorde grape
Frosted blue-green foliage looks like grass. May die back in the heat of summer.

Trollius, Golden Queen
Height - 18"
Width - 12-18"
Bloom Time - Spring/summer
Bloom Color - Golden orange
Prefers moist soils. Plants don't bulk up much, so may need to plant multiples for a grand effect.

Trollius superbus
Height - 18-24"
Width - 18-20"
Bloom Time - Spring/summer
Bloom Color - Lemon yellow
More tolerant of drier soils, still prefers moist over dry.